Obtaining Access to Create Projects on Drupal.org

I recently completed the process to get vetted access in order to create Drupal projects. It's a fairly simple process where you create a sandbox project, create an issue in the Drupal.org Project reviews queue, and once the project has been reviewed and accepted you're granted access to promote the sandbox to a fully-featured Drupal project. This process is in place to educate maintainers of best practices and Drupal standards as well as encourage a high level of quality for projects featured on Drupal.org.

Unfortunately over the last few years there has been a high number of submissions and not enough volunteer reviewers to keep pace. The the backlog that developed was said to cause applications to take six months or more to get reviewed. No fault of the reviewers, but it's not acceptable to put competent developers through this kind of wait--especially when all they're trying to do is contribute code back to the community. Not all hope is lost, though.

I was lucky enough to have a peer in the Drupal community who I was confident could give a meaningful review, provide valid feedback, and sanity check my work. And he was gracious enough to take an hour or so of his time to help me. Not everybody has someone they can ask to do something like this for them so here's where I'm offering to help.

Starting now I'll accept submissions via my Project Review page, where I will try to help you through the project application process. There you'll find information about the process and how to get started. Also there are tips on how to prepare your application and project as well as keep your application process moving forward.

Good luck and happy coding!