Favorite Tweets
You're seeing a list of my favorite tweets. These are tweets or re-tweets from users that I follow and I think they're important enough for you to read, too.
Replaced all object-like arrays with classes where they are used thousands of times.
Memory usage reduced by 58% (… https://t.co/c5fTfs8G31
"The best way to get the right answer [..] is not to ask a question; it’s to post the wrong answer.” - Cunningham’s Law
"How to deal with difficult people on software projects"
You might not think that programmers are artists, but programming is an extremely creative profession. It's logic-b… https://t.co/IYyOBZazpW
Years from now
when you’re debt-free
sleeping as many hours as you want
working for a boss you admire (or for yo… https://t.co/9ut4ckeQcm
"The first step of any project is to grossly underestimate its complexity and difficulty." - Nicoll Hunt
Now we tell you your browser sucks in your native tongue.
@tugboatqa - i'm speechless. offering to support @simplytestme with your product AND you just made a donation. than… https://t.co/f0tZibxmFp
I never dismiss people for one or two comments, I look for patterns. There are folks who can change. I am proof bec… https://t.co/i4NdJYGkvN
Hey #Drupal Friends! #DrupalKaraoke is coming to KC for @flyovercamp and needs recommendations for some kick ass… https://t.co/DoRfz8Iz1Z
Anyone else review their own pull requests on GitHub before asking a colleague for a review? I find seeing my code… https://t.co/STId2pgsrp
Really glad that Jack gave this talk at #midcamp and hope it leads to some new faces at MidCamp and beyond. https://t.co/v60rWpTn6u
Proud to work for Anne and Jill and the rest of the @kanopi_studios team! https://t.co/Zy7nkTk4M4
“The best way to predict the future is to implement it.”– David Heinemeier Hansson
@drnikki How many millions of dollars of advertising revenue and commerce were protected with today’s patches I wonder?
We're delighted to support @kevinjthull and the #Drupal Recording Initiative to record all Drupal talks. Every bit… https://t.co/dRUAhKcNNU