Favorite Tweets
You're seeing a list of my favorite tweets. These are tweets or re-tweets from users that I follow and I think they're important enough for you to read, too.
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https://t.co/txyUqM0tf9 https://t.co/7nLxJKh587
"Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime." - David Leinweber
Great 2018 year in review of #Drupal articles, tutorials, and news by @kepford in @TheWeeklyDrop https://t.co/Gq9v33DSFd
Here’s a peek at my annual personal retrospective exercise.
I’m using “I like...” and “I wish...” as prompts this… https://t.co/h6k2GPfNRW
key to getting in shape faster is joining a gym you can't exit https://t.co/cSZGbzpfKa
This is a great thread for folks who want to help with large holiday meals. https://t.co/YAMGFTBrzG
I just offered two really cool people jobs today. Love the team we are building, 35 and strong. We have open… https://t.co/JxfYIVfq6C
TOO COOL! This guy painted this awesome Druplicon for me! Check him out at https://t.co/lKyXQt17Wa &… https://t.co/99M8lr2LEj
@Kerasai @CarmenDeFalco 1000 Stories makes a great bourbon barrel aged wine as well
Heading to BADCamp next week? I'll be there since Kanopi is an organizer. Register now to join us October 24-27, 20… https://t.co/aLn1qdSLtY
Join us and ESPN’s @CarmenDeFalco & @Jurko64 of the "Carmen and Jurko Show" for the 4th annual Aged to Perfection:… https://t.co/4b3e9FJ3oG
We have built giving back to the #drupal project into our business model...and it shows...
@hook42inc is the 18th t… https://t.co/zpW3wD0oDv
Well this is it folks. My first ever contribution to a Drupal Core issue. Thank you so much @markconroy for the gui… https://t.co/ZDsmeh5Fcg
Man looks like he’s about to write some Beast Code https://t.co/894QBSSwbg
*comes to twitter to see if slack is down rather than check the status page*
BREAKING: Nike had been paying Colin Kaepernick all along, waiting for the right moment. That moment is now, as he… https://t.co/4EgfkIQUX9
They say Bitcoin is using all the worlds energy but we all know devs running `npm install` are the true culprits.