Favorite Tweets
You're seeing a list of my favorite tweets. These are tweets or re-tweets from users that I follow and I think they're important enough for you to read, too.
A programmer walks into a bar and orders 1.000000119 root beers. The bartender says, "I'm gonna have to charge you… https://t.co/ZrfeCBCdJl
I realized the cause of my latest writer's block: the false belief that I need to know close to everything about a… https://t.co/lFiYFkh4HM
@patrickfweston It’s the gift that keeps on giving & giving & giving & giving & giving & giving & giving & giving &… https://t.co/bF2w0j8cqR
"In carpentry, you measure twice and cut once. In software development, you never measure and make cuts until you r… https://t.co/rECySO8Ve5
Getting tired of hearing tech people complain about GDPR. Y’all, we fucking did this shit to ourselves by being irr… https://t.co/WITL2dJOUc
@withoutboats @myrrlyn That’s a pretty unfair ding, though. Git isn’t easier to use than dated zip files. But you _… https://t.co/GODSuBxFpJ
@Kerasai @dev_meshev Haha. I'm not strictly against neither drinking nor condense code. Just saying that there shou… https://t.co/EZmyZ9UsRZ
Dear @sugaroverflow, on behalf of everyone at @DrupalConNA and beyond: your energy and joy of life is both contagio… https://t.co/aFyZP1Hs9M
Recording for my #DrupalCon talk Hot JAMS(tack): Building a Music Discovery App with Drupal and React is online for… https://t.co/nPVCWqagT1
Help support @kalamuna supporting the greater good. Visit their booth at DrupalCon and they will donate a piece of… https://t.co/cfsHSkd88Q
#DrupalCon coffee bof starting now in room 102A https://t.co/qZ060iHZVt
Giving my first #DrupalCon talk at 3:45 today in room 204 - Hot JAMS(tack): Building a Music Discovery App with Dru… https://t.co/oWZndMiT3e
I told the lady at Dunkin Donuts that an extra large coffee might be too ambitious for me and she responded “Ma’am… https://t.co/6w9cAW0X0R
how to be a billionaire (per the internet):
-sleep 10 hrs/day
-read 6 books/week
-meditate for 2 hrs/day
-post mot… https://t.co/nM1dPL8PFd
"We should A/B test that" is a really expensive way to disagree.
What I've learned about leadership... https://t.co/T0ZJx7udgW
Coming to @DrupalConNA? Want to learn how to start a devops transformation in your org? Check out my talk “The Five… https://t.co/pqh54WTfuN
Rumor has it that #midcamp karaoke is happening tonight at Shoes Pub after Derby tonight https://t.co/JBd8uSoW61
I think I may have found my new avatar. Thanks to my official photographer @_urban_ ! https://t.co/l79ESqeGBK
Dusted off a command line tool I set up for https://t.co/TkBlu4E7vB and general contributing / maintainering. Patc… https://t.co/IDfMzBaNQ4