Favorite Tweets
You're seeing a list of my favorite tweets. These are tweets or re-tweets from users that I follow and I think they're important enough for you to read, too.
@Crell Languages have biases. PHP: concatenating strings. JS: browser interactions. Python: science/math. C: segfaults and buffer overruns.
Thank you @dev_meshev, for the best module tip of #DrupalCon NOLA; Features Builder https://t.co/hnshEKs8Am #drupal #ci
Whoever first used the term "legacy" to describe software was trying really hard to put a positive spin on things. https://t.co/A5uwZiTXEH
Is there an app that will translate my concerns about technical debt into business jargon?
I've been thinking lately about the term "rockstar" developer. Ideally, you want studio musicians… Versatile, play well w/ others. No drama.
“Algorithm is the word you use when you don't want to explain what your code does” —Anonymous via @mathiasverraes #nCrafts
"The sooner you start to code, the longer the program will take." - Roy Carlson ⏱⌛️
"One bad programmer can easily create two new jobs a year." - David Parnas
Coding essentially is an infinite loop of:
1) wtf
2) ah yea
Add sprinkles of "that should be easy" and "why did i agree on this"
"I've set the wedding date. I've not asked her out yet." - how software projects are managed.
JS frameworks are like pants:
Each time you find yourself pondering which pair to wear, u should really be pondering if u need any at all
"You either die an engineer or live long enough to see yourself become the business guy." - @moonpolysoft https://t.co/5G2gj6xzC0
Picard artistry tip: Lacking innate talent at a skill doesn't mean you should stop. On the contrary, it means you need to practice.
I constantly worry about the modules in my applications being decoupled, but then I remember you have to quit iTunes to update Xcode.
Nice explanations of JS methods Map, Filter and Reduce. https://t.co/17epUkIQ6L
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
If you're tired of Deadline Driven Development, make an immediate, personal commitment to sustainable practices.